Sunday, December 24, 2023

December 24, 2023 Christmas Eve

 Merry Christmas Eve! This is a sea day, so breakfast and a 2 mile walk got our day started. Mike attended a lecture on Pirates & Treasure Hunters. The speaker had hidden pieces of eight, ie chocolate Christmas coins, in the theater. Mike was one of the lucky ones. He can smell chocolate. Haha. I attended a writing workshop to elevate my travel journal. Let me know how I am doing. We both went to a lecture on "The drug lords of Columbia. The theater was full, I don't know what that says about the crowd we are traveling with. Mike ended with the lecture on what killed the Dinosaurs, I tried to take a nap. We both gathered for our port talk on Cartagena.

While I was waiting for my workshop, I was up in the Explorers' Lounge looking for flying fish. I finely saw one, they are fast, and smaller than I expected. I will continue to try to catch one with a picture to share.

We made sure to take time for our hour tanning. We finished with a dunk in the infinity pool for me. Can you believe I was alone in the pool. It is refreshing, and I love looking out over the back of the ship. The Nordic spa also has a suit dryer. You put your suit in and it spins it dry. I will be using this in the future.

You can put a request in the internet to locate Viking Sky, and you will see where we are located.

Tonight it is still 83 degrees, and the humidity is increasing.

This is Sunday, and I am feeling a bit off as church is an important part of my weekend life, and this is an important holiday for Christians. There is an interdenominational holiday service, but it is at 10:15 pm. I don't think I will be making it, as I just looked at my watch and it is 8:18 pm our time. I think I will be signing off and sleeping in the near future.


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